Saturday, May 9, 2009

ROGC is my life!

Meet with Marketing team this weekend. What a sharp group of people. They came up with a plan of attack to get gyms to come and sponsors to pay. We need this team to really expand. There is a whole lot involved in Marketing - if you want to be involved here is the place!

After the marketing guys left I spent time researching other websites, they range from rather plan to really informative and amazing. If you have an talent and desire to lay this site out, call me!!!!! Email me!!! I have someone to build and publish, need the creative touch.

Then the really fun part of my life as a gymnastics mother began. BINGO!!!!!! I have to say - bingo is like being in a war zone - really. Tonight we had trouble with the machines, 3 parents blew off bingo - it was rough. Each team is only as strong as the weakest link. IF half the links are missing it really puts a strain on your team members.

One of my real goals in setting this whole thing up is for the ROGC to begin acting and thinking like a team member. Parents and Children!!!!!!!


  1. This is my first time ever blogging. What fun! I look forward to reading more information about the pending meet. Hopefully, more people will try out this blogging too. Have a good one!
