Thursday, May 7, 2009

A little desperate!!!!

I am getting responses...which means people are reading. My daughter has warned that I am a grammatical nightmare, please forgive me.

We need a graphics artist. Phil Pokorny drew the beautiful logo for the meet. That set the bar very high. Thank you Phil! So now we need some one with time and talent to work with us to make our website flow. We have a webmaster - Jay Smalls. He is going to build our site, but we need layout that works and flows with RO website... I am afraid I am a bit challenged here.... I know we have someone out there that is just waiting for the right opportunity. It can be a gymnast.... don't need over 18.....

I have gotten prices for professional services. Let me just say, I did not include anything in the budget for this, and its not cheap. It would be money well spent, but I would prefer to troll in house talent if we can.

Also small plug for National Prayer day - Please include the meet and all those who are struggling with the economy.

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