Tuesday, May 5, 2009

History of the madness

My daughter has been going to RO since she was two and a half, she is now 11. I remember vividly the discussion with her father - gymnastics or dance. I realized I simply couldn't afford dance. (Hey, I don't have a crystal ball!)

RO has been the constant in my daughters life. She has come up through the levels and is really becoming quite the gymnast. (They are all great - true but I'm writing this - post your proud comments) When Loreley started competing, there was no bingo, only auction and the yearbook. EVERY TIME we walked in the gym I wrote a check. Really - I am not kidding.

Then Jana and Nancy started bingo, I wrote a whole lot fewer checks. Thanks ladies! and anyone else who started it. BINGO is a really great source of fundraising, while its not always a great Saturday I know the benefits and appreciate them.

Last year the gym got audited - we all know that. The fundraising changed. I like some of you were not very happy. I found myself whining and complaining - this is really not going to solve anything. So I thought about ways we can make money, have fun and dispel some myths about hosting meets.

Knowing I was not the only one who thought hosting a gym might be a good idea I put out some feelers. The response was overwhelmingly favorable. (Yes I did tell people I didn't want negative feedback - still the response was good.) I had some meetings then went to the board.

The board was very open to the idea. They said research more and come back on the 11th of May. My how time has flown.

I want everyone to be able to see what is going on, who's on the committees. Where the meetings are, what challenges we are facing. I think all of us have something to offer, we want this to be a Richmond Olympiad event. ALL of US. So stay tuned, comment, get involved!


1 comment:

  1. This meet is going to be the best meet of the year! But we have to work hard to make the meet the best it can be. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
